Digital Animation Production
Elaine Russell
‘Bounty’ is a 2D animated short film that focuses on environmental animation and background design. Beginning in a pirate ship and ending in a hidden cave, Bounty revolves around a hunt for treasure that sets off an atmospheric journey through diverse scenery and encounters with exotic wildlife.
This short is a mood piece that is meant to create an atmosphere rather than tell a traditional story. Still, there are themes that can be applied to this piece such as the danger of greed, the beauty of nature and the triumph of nature over man. The main purpose of the short is to be used in a portfolio which I can show to potential employers as well as being a high-quality piece on its own.
Bounty was animated in Toonboom Harmony, incorporating a mixture of frame by frame and rigged animation. The backgrounds were painted in Photoshop, effects and compositing were completed in After Effects and sound design was done in Reaper.