Digital Animation Production
Amie O’Mahony
The Adventures of Space Bear
“The Adventures of Space Bear” is a 2 minute, 2D animated short film following the comedic adventures of an alien bear who discovers the wonders of ordinary human objects. In this particular story, Space Bear learns all about ‘band-aids’ and we follow his crazy antics as he inadvertently uses them in inappropriate ways. The film has been imagined as a potential pilot for a larger children’s television series, aimed at an audience between the ages of 9-13.
Space Bear is a collaboration between Holly Sweeney and Amie O’Mahony, who decided to work together for their final year project as an opportunity to create an entertaining piece of animation with fun characters and a vibrant, colourful world. Holly was responsible for storyboarding, character and prop design, animation and compositing. Amie was responsible for visual development, colour design, background art, compositing and editing.